

5 Healthy Habits to Strengthen Your Immune System

The immune system is a multifaceted and sophisticated network of our cells, organs, proteins and chemicals that has evolved to protect us from a variety of infections from bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, as well as cancer. The immune system does a great job of protecting our bodies from outside invaders, but with cold [...]

Back-To-School Series: 5 Meal Prep Tips

Food Fridays: 5 Meal Prep Tips Maybe you’ve had a change in routine recently (hello back-to-school!), or maybe you’re looking to close out the last quarter of the year strong and stay aligned with your 2023 goals. Either way, meal prepping is always a great idea and is one of the best ways to [...]

Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins

Food Fridays: Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins Looking for a quick and easy make-ahead breakfast that's ALSO freezer-friendly? Check out these Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins from our Holistic Nutritionist, Amy Jones! A nutritious and filling breakfast is essential to start the day off right. We know it can be hard trying to get everyone out the door [...]

Smart-Start: Nutrient-Packed Breakfast Ideas for Back-To-School Success

Can you believe it? Already, the days are getting a bit shorter and that fresh start feeling is everywhere – yep, it's back-to-school time! And you know what that means: routines are back in action, new adventures are around the corner, and oh, let's not forget the daily dilemma of what to whip up [...]

Smart-Start: Recipes for Back-To-School

Here are easy and nutritious back-to-school recipes created by our Holistic Nutritionist, Amy Jones. You can read Amy's full article on why breakfast is so important on our blog! Feel free to customize these breakfast ideas based on your child's preferences and dietary needs. Quick and Easy Brain-Boosting Breakfast Smoothie Ingredients  1 1/2 cups [...]

Back-To-School Series: 3 Easy Sheet Pan Dinners

Food Fridays: Easy Sheet Pan Dinners Hello September and back-to-school season! With fresh starts and the return of busy routines, we know it can be a stressful time of year. Take the burden off of always figuring out what to cook for dinner with these easy sheet pan meals. Sheet pan recipes are great [...]

5 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Losing Weight

Most of us have weight that seems to stay with us no matter what. While loyalty is a commendable thing, here are five questions to ask yourself if you’re ready for that weight to leave you. "We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - [...]

Peach Salsa Chicken

Food Fridays: Peach Salsa Chicken Peach season is in full swing! Take advantage and try out this Peach Salsa Chicken! Summer is all about using fresh produce - we love to include as many fruits and vegetables as we can in all of our meals! We also know chicken can get boring sometimes, so [...]

Mango Avocado Black Bean Salsa

Food Fridays: Mango Avocado Black Bean Salsa ⁠ Chips and dip are a classic summertime favourite. A twist on the classic cowboy caviar, this Mango Avocado Black Bean Salsa is perfect as an appetizer, side dish or snack! With just a few ingredients and one bowl, this salsa could not be easier to make. [...]

Anti-Cancer Foods: Summer Time Phytonutrients

Patios, picnics, and barbeques. Spending time with my family and friends. All of this lets me know summer has finally arrived. One important thing about summer that is overlooked is the fresh local fruits and vegetables that are readily available to us. In the summer, this produce is at its peak. Fruits and vegetables [...]

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