Looking for ways you can support your immune system this winter?

Check out our favourite remedies, including an easy health elixir and a warming socks nighttime routine. Simple things that you can do at home to increase your immunity and keep you and your family healthy!

Health Elixir

Searching for a way to support your immune system through the cold and flu season? You don’t have to look further than your kitchen. Many common food items are rich in compounds that can help boost your immune system.

Earlier this month we featured this simple and effective health elixir that boosts immunity and detoxifies. With only 3 ingredients that you likely already have on hand, it can easily be made at home!

How to: 

Mix Into 1 cup of warm water:

1 tbsp Raw Honey
A pinch of Cinnamon
2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar

Warming Socks 

Warming socks are an extremely effective treatment for relieving common cold and flu symptoms, as well as helping with teething pains and even insomnia. It can help alleviate symptoms such as sore throats, earaches and congestion in the sinuses, throat and lungs.

How does it work? The application of warming socks promotes healing in 3 ways. It helps to increase:

a. Lymphatic drainage to take away waste and inflammation
b. Blood circulation to bring nutrition to the tissues
c. Immune system activity

What you’ll need: 
  • Cotton socks
  • Wool socks (minimum 75% wool; if you are allergic to wool sports socks that wick water away will also work)
  • Cold water
  1. Make sure your body and feet are warm. Use a 5-minute hot foot bath or a 10-minute total body bath if needed.
  2. Wet the cotton socks to ankle height in cold tap water and wring them out to damp (not dripping).
  3. Put the damp socks on the warm dry feet and then cover immediately with wool socks. Do this on our bed so that you do not have to walk around with wet socks on.
  4. Get into bed and cover up well. Wool blankets work better than synthetic ones by allowing water to evaporate.
  5. Your feet will be dry by morning. All night your feet have been heating and cooling, stimulating the blood and lymphatic circulation and the immune system.
  6. Prepare nightly as needed.