Wellness and Mindfulness Counselling

Soma and Soul now offers wellness counselling and mindfulness training for individuals and couples in Toronto’s Upper Beach neighbourhood. At Soma and Soul Wellness, we offer a tailored approach that includes the mind and body to address your specific wellness needs through mindfulness. Our goal is to support you through individual and couples counselling to discover your authentic selves while finding a sense of peace, and to help you manage the stresses of daily life.

Randi-Mae Stanford-Liebold, our in-house practitioner, is a regular guest on CBC’s Fresh Air and CITYTV’s Cityline to provide her expertise on wellness and mental health.

Wellness Counselling

What can wellness counselling and mindfulness help me with?

Post-Partum Support
Pre-natal Support
Personal Development
Adapting to major life changes
Couples Counselling
Relationship growth and challenges: Divorce, separation, infidelity, reconnection, life changes

What are the benefits of counselling and mindfulness?

Counselling and mindfulness invite you to live in the present moment. Bringing awareness to your mind and body while bringing a new awareness to your daily life can help you overcome mental and physical challenges.

wellness counselling

How does counselling and mindfulness help my health?

• Mindfulness helps overall mental health by reducing anxiety and stress, improves mood and the ability to focus
• Training yourself in mindfulness also supports symptoms associated with depression and relapse prevention
• Lowers blood pressure
• Mindfulness can also help people manage chronic pain, lower blood pressure and other physical illnesses that impact wellbeing.

Is Wellness Counselling and Mindfulness covered by OHIP?

Our wellness Counsellor, Randi-Mae Stanford-Liebold is a registered Social Service Worker with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers. Her registration number is 821960. Please check with your insurance provider to ensure that these services are covered. We do not do direct billing. These services are not covered by OHIP.

Pre-natal and post-natal counselling

How can counselling and mindfulness support pre-natal & post-natal health? Join us at Soma and Soul while you’re on your pre-natal and post-natal journey. Our wellness counsellor Randi-Mae Stanford-Liebold is a certified Mindful Motherhood facilitator, and has provided support to women during their pregnancy and birthing experiences. Pre-natal and post-natal mindfulness is a great practice to include on the journey of motherhood. We explore mindfulness and self-compassion practices created by Cassandra Vieten, PhD into each

• Bonding with your baby during the pre-natal stages
• Visualizing and breathing in preparation for delivery
• Reconnecting and exploring alignment of your mind and body after pregnancy
• Decrease symptoms associated anxiety and depression

Wellness Counselling

How much does counselling cost?

Initial Session $175+ HST (75 minutes)
Follow-up $150 + HST (60 minutes)

You’re always welcome to come in and visit us for a free 30 min consultation.