Osteopathic Services

Soma & Soul Wellness offers Osteopathic services in Toronto’s Upper Beach neighbourhood. We offer a comprehensive osteopathy program to address your aches, pains and discomforts of any kind.

How Can Osteopathy Help Me?

At Soma & Soul Wellness, we offer a tailored osteopathy program to address your specific wellness needs.

What is Osteopathy?

Every machine needs a tune-up once in a while. Our body isn’t any different.

Osteopathy uses a variety of techniques that are unique to the field of osteopathy and most often use a hands-on approach to stretch, align, manipulate and soothe your joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons.  Osteopaths at Soma & Soul can also offer corrective exercises to help bring back freedom of movement and ease discomfort.

Can Osteopathy help me? Osteopathy treatments can help with many health concerns, for example:

Back / neck pain
Shoulder pain
Pelvis / hip / knee / ankle / foot issues
Achilles Tendonitis/ Plantar fasciitis
Arthritis (Osteo/inflammatory)
Pre and Post Natal
Office related conditions
Repetitive strain injuries (tennis/golfers elbow)
Sports injuries

What is an Osteopath?

An osteopath is someone who uses the osteopathic approach to healing health conditions of all kinds. An osteopath is not a medical doctor in Canada, but is a highly accredited health-practitioner. During training, an osteopath studies clinical anatomy, body pathology, physiology and much more to understand the human body.

Your Appointment at Soma & Soul

A thorough clinical evaluation in conjunction with your osteopath will help decide the therapeutic strategy for each individual. An initial session will include:

  1. Diagnostic interview

  2. A hands-on palpatory examination

  3. May include an initial treatment

Osteopathic Manual Therapist –
Jesseny Rojas

Jesseny Rojas is mother to two beautiful children and a skilled Manual Osteopath. She has a deep intelligence of the inner workings for the human body. Her passion is to help others to a feel their greatest. Trained by the Académie Sutherland d’ Ostéopathie in Québec. She specialized in articular pumping, fascial work and myo-fascial stretching. Other specialties include, ELDOA (Longitudinal Stretching with Osteo-Articular Decoaptation) and proprioception exercises. These exercises help to assist in healing, pain management and rehabilitation.